Who told you couldn’t rock a cowboy?

How would you style a hat? A question we get every day. Considering this is one hell of a rabbit hole I think I will break it up in segments starting first with my personal style, the cowboy hat. “Well a cowboy hat isn’t for everyone”, bullshit, I would argue the cowboy hat is less about the hat and more about your fear of perception wearing it. Nobody ever says, “I look horrible, in this hat” It’s always, “well I’m not the type of person who can pull that off”. Who told you that? Where does that voice come from telling you that you can’t pull it off. My grandma used to say, you don’t wear clothes, you OWN them. I think this principle applies to hats as well. Now that we got thru the fact that you can most definitely pull off a cowboy hat, because everyone whose approval you’re looking for will also all be dead in less than one hundred years and we are floating in a rock thru space, so fuck it. Let’s move on to how to style it.

The first is to keep it classic. Match your hat to your boots, Bonus points if you can match a belt as well. Considering we may not all have access to wonderful selections of cowboy boots like we do (holler if you want my boot plug), I would say your first staple cowboy hat is Black or Brown. The most common colors of boots. Ease your way into this first style by keeping the band simplistic but add a little piece of flair, let the world know this is most definitely not off a rack. But no need to go crazy for your first one. Distressed or un-distressed I could care less, but keep in mind the more burnt you make it the more you are robbing yourself of a life of watching your hat age naturally just like yourself. Think of distressing like being a rock star, you are giving you hat 10 years of drugs, drinking and hookers in a quick ten minute burst. Again the music sounds amazing, and the hat will look amazing so we can’t deny the results, But longevity wise who knows.

Lastly I will start where I began which is. Everyone looks good in everything. You really do. Sure somethings look better than others. But never let the fear of perception, keep you from trying something out. Putting on a cowboy hat will put a smile on your face it, it does every time. Once you’re smiling, keep smiling and no one will ever say shit. Walk around with shoulders down like a sad cowboy and yeah everyone might whisper about ya. Keep in mind your still in a cowboy hat so at least they will never stay it to your face.

Hope y’all enjoyed my morning rambles on cowboy hats,

Stay Wild Y’all!
