About Wild Hats

Welcome future WILD HAT FAMILY.  So you stumbled upon us. Maybe you saw one of our hats out in the world. Maybe a friend told you about us. Maybe it was me talking to you in sunglasses on instagram and you thought, hell I need a nice hat. Let’s give this a shot. Regardless, our response is the same, welcome to WILDHATS. We look forward to getting to know you, Listening to you, and making you something you have never been able to find!

WILDHATS is built by artists, by musicians, by rebels, by the ones with a wildstreak. But what we share in common is we are all bespoke hat makers. Now this term gets thrown around a lot. “Custom hat maker”.  While we agree anyone can make a hat. To make something that’s truly bespoke you have to do something that is severely lacking in the market. Which is to listen. That’s what we specialize in. We listen to what you want, we listen to what you don’t want. Then we act. Pretty simple, and it works for us and you every time. We don’t let our ego get in the way of making you what you are looking for. 

Regarding the why? Well sometimes you just start doing something and you don’t stop. Maybe you have known this feeling in your life. An itch you couldn’t scratch, so you kept scratching and years later here we are. Still scratching. We just have a passion for protecting history. The old ways of doing things. When Quality mattered. So that’s our goal. To make you something timeless and to preserve anything that has stood the test of time. 

Our story goes much deeper than this, but if we have piqued your curiosity, reach out via the many outlets this website has to offer and let’s share life stories and make some one of a kind art together. 

Cheers Y’all!


The WildHatters

Our team is made up of tastemakers. Artists, photographers, painters, poets and all around good guys. Lean on us to help you bring your vision to life. Everyone at Wildhats believes that any project is possible. If you can dream it, we can do it. We dont let ego get in the way of your dream hat.

Our Manifesto

We always say “its less about what we make and more about what you have never been able to find”. Shares your ideas and let us help make it reality.


We make hats the way hats are supposed to be made. Everything is bespoke. Handmade is our matra.

The Shop

The shop is our refuge, our inspiration. A collection of our inspiration and ideas all in one spot we can constantly draw from.